Writing has been my passion from the moment I was able to write. I remember buying tablets and filling them with my hard to read script. I remember drawing awful illustrations to go with my own versions of the Dick and Jane reader that I loved so much as a first grader. Writing is as essential to my existence as eating or praying. It took my ten year old niece to remind me of this.
For Christmas, she asked her uncle for a new diary because she filled out the last pages of her old one in November. When I thought about being ten and writing in a little diary, I remembered how important it was for me to write. The entire experience of buying her a new journal made me remember writing and blogging.
The entire experience made me think about why I started this blog in the first place. This blog is a chronicle of my life. Of loves and mishaps, of mistakes and missteps, this blog chronicles my imperfect stumble through life. It has been five years of writing for me as Corey and I realize that this is just the beginning of our long and special relationship.
I have missed you.
I didn’t hang up on you, dear reader…. I just put you on hold. I needed a break because life had taken me in a different direction. I completed my dissertation and my doctorate in August. After my trip to Chicago, I knew I needed to focus only on my dissertation, so that is what I did. After I finished in August, I thought I would go back to writing, but I needed a mental break. I still worked for two different schools, was busy applying for new jobs, and was focused on dating. I was so overwhelmed with life, that I was unable to write for pleasure.
In my time away, I have missed you so. But I am back and will continue to write as long as I have something to say… our time is now.