Did you see Wendy Williams try to lure Whitney Houston onto her show? This late queen kills me. Girl, who cares if you were a coke addict? I don’t. I hate this show. I only watched because of the hoopla surrounding her admitted coke addiction and her attacks on Whitney. God, please cancel this show. And speaking of Whitney...

Oh Whitney, Whitney, Whitney, how I have waited for this day...
Whitney has not made a comeback, but I do think a comeback is in progress. When I first purchased Whitney’s album, I was disappointed. I expected a crystal clear voice (for which she is known), a poignant message (I am all about the lyrics), and the return of a megastar. I knew from first listen that I did not get what I expected from this album. Her voice was not crystal clear and her lyrics were not profound. But I have a new CD rule. I have to listen to the CD for two days, nonstop. And I listened to Whitney for two days. And then three. And then four. And I am still listening. The CD is in tray six and it is a constant stay in my car. I expect it will go through the summer and the fall. The CD has truly grown on me. I have to say I really like this album.

Kanye, I have loved your work. I really, really have. I have been a true fan. I am so sad to see you leave. It hurts me that you have decided to end your career so early. You will be missed but you will not be purchased by me ever again.
Are you in love with Trey Songz the way I am in love with Trey Songz? LOL :) indeed!

I have told my boo Trey that I love him and I am ready to take him....all of him
LOL... Um.. I think I read that tweet.. But are you ready for a mongamous relationship? Hmmm
I can't wait for Wendy's show to get the axe...
I think what you said about Whitney's comeback being in progress is a fair statement...
Wasn't it you, who said that they love watching Wendy Williams and the gays in the audience, when she first came on this summer, or am I getting youconfused with someone else?...I swear I thought it was you, who was a Wnedy fan.
Anyway I thought that was a some sad acting on the Wendy Williams show. I couldn't stop rolling my eyes.
However she had a point, that interview was wack in my opinion. She wasn't owning up to anything. Like she was some church princess that lost her way from her roots, and like that wasn't the real her we sae on "Being Bobby Brown" Look whitney is from the hood of Newark, come on now. I don't think Bobby was the only one at fault with that mess. Don't get me wrong he was a contributor, but Whitney wasn't owning up to her part. Bobby brown was not her only drug, andI think Wendy was right on that part, this was a highly controlled intereview with Oprah.
Wendy needs to give it up Whitney will never do another interview with her, after that infamous one they did years ago.
I'm glad you are a fan of the new CD, I was a little disappointed. It feels very boring. I thinkthe lyrics are kinda boring for the uh boring productions. The only saong that I am a huge fan of is "Million Dollar Bill". i think it's a good effort. I think it has a few dance hits on it for the Billboard Hot Dance 100.
And Negro Palese Kanye West career is not over over this bull...I always use R.Kelly, as the example. If R. Kelly could comeback after Child Porn allegations, with a tape clear as day of him doing a 15 year old girl, and then him peeing on her, and still have hit songs, then sho'nuff kanye will get move on from this drunken stunt...next
Trey new one is pretty good, bought both the same week, him and Whitney...guess who has been getting more play from me?
lmao@ you talking about wendy williams show hahaha soooo funny! i swear thats a drag queen :straight face: im so convinced lol
trey songz <3 i posted about him like last week lol
Whitney couldn't see going on Wendy Williams. She has already cursed her out once, Wendy don't want none!
Oh, YBDL, I so did not ever say I love that ghastly trick. I think that was either Q or Noble. And as always, I really have to say you have a good point regarding Kanye. Hmmm... Maybe its those Chicago boys...
Stella, I am not hating, just expressing my opinion on her late body of work. I might watch that fright more often if she could get a real celebrity to ever come on the show. Dear God, please cancel that trash.
Oh Wendy smh. Whitney got that album that people will be talking about for sure. Kanye's incident is over so I'm done talking about it lol. Trey Songz is the bomb diggity or is it just his single "I Need A Girl"? Lmao. Ill have to check out the album.
I agree. Whitney's album takes a fews days to adjust to her new raspy, less rangeful voice. I must say that I now love the album. I do think that if not profound, the lyrics are definitely fitting for Whitney's return. She sings "I got nothing but love for ya"...even though you have put my name through the mud. She sings "I am a soldier girl....don't call it a come back, I been here for years..." And of course, "I didn't know my own strength...so I crashed down...I tumbled...but I did not crumble".
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