And its hard to say goodbye my love...
Hard to open up that door when ur not sure wat ur going for
But weve got to grow
Weve got to try
though its hard so hard
-Lyrics from "Hard to Say Goodbye," Dreamgirls...
A new year means many things for many people. For some people, it’s about resolutions and promises. For others, it is an opportunity to start a new chapter.
While sitting at church for Watch Night Service, waiting anxiously for Tabernacle Baptist to get the show started, I checked my facebook and saw numerous posts admonishing 2010 in anticipation of 2011. While some people did not have a good 2010,
I can say with no doubt that 2010 was a great year. Yes, I was robbed at gunpoint and yes, I loss some friends and loved ones, but the goals I set and the plans I made came to fruition. I ended the year happy, healthy, and wiser than I would have ever imagined.
I think the year was good for our nation as well.
Universal healthcare became law and Don’t Ask Don’t Tell was repelled. The economy has started to rebound and the job market is slowly improving. Yes, the Republican Reich is in full swing and sadly, I remember the damage the GOP can do (why the rest of America forget is beyond me).
But after all is said, our world is better.
To be honest, I am afraid of the future. Things for me and so many I love are so uncertain. And I face this uncertainty with faith and with hope. I know tomorrow will be better than today, but I am still scared.