I was held up at the ATM by my house. I was on the phone with Courtney when two black males (probably in their late teens, early twenties) ran up to my car. One ran to the front, the other to the back. Both had guns. I threw my hands up, and screamed, repeatedly, okay, okay, okay…
Only one of the thieves spoke. He took the cash I withdrew and snatched my phone out of my hand. He also took the phone charger. Then he told me to withdraw more money.
I put the atm card in but it was taking too long so he told me to give him my wallet, which was on the floor. I said, okay, and then he told me to get out of the car.
An avid Oprah watcher, I knew then that if I did that, it was over. YOU NEVER GET OUT OF THE CAR. I told him okay. My wallet, which was in my lap, had fallen to the floor. I bent over to get it, threw the car into drive and punched it. I stayed down and they did not fire. I made it away… alive.
OMG Corey; I'm pleased you're safe and that you were able to get away without further incident. It is really dangerous these days, it is not at all safe to use ATM's while in the car, I tend to get any extra cash I need right at the counter in the store, larger amounts I get directly in the bank during the mornings.
Take good care of yourself and stay safe.
Thank God you weren't injured. It will probably have a psychological effect on you for a while. It makes one wonder what would possess two young men, who are teenagers, to resort to such callous and violent measures.
Why were you on the phone at the ATM? That's telling people, "ROB ME PLEASE! I'm distracted and an easy target."
coreyisamess indeed!
I am glad you are ok and I agree, oyu never should be on the phone while at a ATM. That is telling people to rob you.
WOW WHAT A STORY. You are sooooo lucky! I almost got jacked in aTL once, but the jacker turned out to be an old drunk and my friend ended up arrested for pulling a gun on the fake jacker... ooooh drama...
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