Thank you for being a friend
Traveled down the road and back again
Your heart is true your a pal and a confidant.
And if you through a party
Invited everyone you ever knew
You would see the biggest gift would be from me
And the card attached would say thank you for being a friend.
-words by Andrew Gold
Double Dees has been my best friend since 2003. We meet back in 1999 through an old friend named Wayne while we were in undergrad. Double Dees moved to Atlanta a year after I did. I invited him to my 25th birthday party and after the party, we started hanging tight. Many people have rotated in and out of my life in the last five years (seven roommates, four boyfriends, countless acquaintances) but through it all, Double Dees has been a constant stay.
We fight about small things, just like an old married couple, but I know he knows me and understands me. He accepts me, flaws and all and I love him for that. His love is unconditional… Let me give you an example.
Background: Double Dees and Parker are not friends.
This Saturday, Chris (my old roommate, see first entry) had a party for his best friend in Roswell (45 minutes from my house). Parker and I, along with Double Dees and Seddy were going. Parker and I drove to Double Dees. When we got in his car, Double Dees’ seat was too far back on Parker and he had a generally rude attitude. I got an attitude back (do you know any Scorpios? If so, you know how emotive we can be…), said some things I truly regret, and got out of his car. Needless to say, we did not go to the party together.
Parker and I made the trip to Roswell sans Double Dees and Sed. I had a classic “Corey Moment” as Double Dees called it, where I overreacted and made an as@ of myself.
Well, after being at the party for twenty minutes, I go to my car, and it does not start. Parker is drunk and I am tipsy and my car fails to start. I ask Chris to borrow his car and he agrees but he wants me to bring the car back. Parker cannot drive me back (he’s drunk) so I call Uncle Mallory (who does not answer) and Thirsty (who has no gas due to the ATL gas shortage- he has a BMW and there is NO premium gas in the city) and realize that there is only one person I can count on to help me in such a bind and he’s the person I have always counted on to go with me places no one wants to go or give me money when I failed to manage my funds or to just make me laugh when my mess of a life is falling apart… Double Dees.
I know that he has to be at work at 9 the next morning and it is 2 in the morning. I KNOW I would not have answered my phone. But amazingly, he does. He answers, asks no questions, and agrees to trail me back to Roswell (45 minutes away) and to bring me home.
I was in tears the entire way to his house. Double Dees is the person I have taken for granted the most, who has done the most for me, and who has done for me what I probably would not have done for him and I was humbled beyond belief. Again, I am learning more about myself at this time in my life than I ever imagined.
And the car… I’ll update you on that soon…