My trip to DC/Baltimore was wonderful. We had a great time. I am sure many of you have a great time when you go on a trip with friends and loved ones. So I wonder if we have some experiences in common?
So have you ever been on a trip with someone who had a GPS and depended on it for each and every direction, even when it was clear the GPS was not reliable? Well, one of my dear mentors has GPS on his phone and our first stop on Saturday after arriving in Baltimore was to see Obama stop and speak while on his whistle stop tour. Staying on the harbor, we walked the capital on North Gay (of all places). The GPS worked wonderfully at first and guided us directly to Obama. But on the way home, something went wrong. Very wrong. When we found ourselves walking around the Baltimore Housing Authority’s Perkins Homes, I realized we were lost and in more ways than one.
So have you ever had a friend who read people he did not really know well enough to read? This is the case with one of my dearest friends. A friend bought his lover, who many of us did not know well.
Double Dees: You look good in that.
Friend’s Lover: Really?
Double Dees: Yeah. Really. You look like a million… pennies…
Now that comment, made in front of everyone was funny, but not as funny as..
Friend’s Lover: Whoa, bruh, you don’t even know me like that.
So have you ever been on a trip with a friend who took too long to get dressed? I mean, way too long? I mean, everyone is in the car for twenty minutes and your friend is still getting dressed? And did they then, although you are waiting, take a moment to prepare a cocktail for the road?
So have you ever been to a club and they really, really messed up coat check? Someone hosted a party at Club Mirrors in D.C. and since The Mill was too crowded, we decided to check it out. The crowd was a smorgasboard, but kinda cute. They had strippers (yeah, they were late but they were naked), but the drinks were ten dollars (oh, hell naw…). Well, when it was time to leave, they coat check was a mess. Coats were mislabeled, misplaced, and some were thrown on the floor. It took my party an hour for us to find our coats.
Hmmm… Do we have some common trip experiences? I wonder.