New Yorkers love New York in a way that is unmatched by any other city. I feel that kind of love for Atlanta even if I have not been expressing it lately. Atlanta is a great spring city.
With the recession in full bloom (not to mention the pollen), I have been really down on this city I love. This weekend, I had the chance to reconnect. The First Family went to The Dogwood Festival and we had a time. Turkey legs, corndogs, and art that was as high as giraffe’s pussy (not to mention more pollen than I could stand) are all signs that spring is in full spring in the ATL.
If you missed The Dogwood Festival, this weekend the Inman Park Festival occurs. I will be there with Parker, Dees, and a corn dog.
Yummm... corndogs....
Turkey legs?! Must be a southern thing....
Hm, i might need to check that out...
Seems like every since the trip to Cherokee Thirsty has been out of the mix. But that is okay though. Glad you enjoyed.
i think i may miss hunting for parking around midtown to go to fesitvals at Piedmont.
Yo I love the city too
corn dogs and men -what next??
I have to admit I miss Atlanta at times too. I never lived there but visited it enough to have a MARTA card. LOL!! But yeah the pollen is no joke. I was just there not too long ago.
Our winters may be weak, but Atlanta definitely redeems itself in the spring. I love how green and pretty it is.
And corndogs, really?
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