Sometimes, life can be quite a gamble. This weekend, that was definitely true. Early Saturday morning Parker and I were awakened by someone banging on our window. It was Thirsty. He wanted to go to the Casino in North Carolina. With no plans other than cleaning on the agenda we figured why not... what did we have to lose? As it turned out, quite a bit.
The casino was a mess. The place reaked of smoke and foulness. Coming from Mississippi, Casinos are nothing new for me. I am used to all you can drink, all you can eat, and slots that hit frequently. The casino in Cherokee was dry… no alcohol PERIOD. The food was a reheated mess and we did not hit. Not Parker, not Thirsty, and not me. Within two hours I lost 120. Parker lost 40 and Thirsty lost 240.
I should have listened to my first instinct. I did not want to go in the first place. I should have stayed at home and mopped.
For Thirsty, this was his fourth jaunt to Miss Harrahs. She's a horrible ole girl and we should have avoided her the way I avoid Virginia.
Ooh Wee!! I know all about Miss Harrah's in Cherokee. The place is boring as all hell in the middle of nowhere and then you can't win for trying. They are paying for that hotel they built. Yeah you should have listened to your instincts.
damn! See, I can't get into gambling. It's like giving your money away. I know there are times when you win big, but the odds aren't stgrong enough for me. LOL
Oh my Damn, we can't loose any money these days! We are in a recession. Between Bernie Madoff and the new Hermes Fall '09 Collection, I will be HOMELESS!
Think of it this way: That's $400 to keep somebody employed at the casino. :)
Y'all didn't even get 5 dollars back? 10? Nothing?
So this trip was aweful for me. Before we could get in you were already saying we would loose. Never had I been around someone so negative in my life. I had been there 4 times before and taken home over 2500 in winnings every weekend I would win. But I never took anyone with a bad attitude. As far as food, who the hell eats buffets anyway? I never had eaten there until this first time. And you know what else was bad about it to top it off. My damn ticket for speeding back to atlanta as I have never been so upset in my life. Not about loosing 250 bucks money comes and goes but that my "best friend" was so negative about the whole trip. As friends you brush aside a lot of things but this trip really set it off for me. Well its over and done now, but the negative stuff has got to stop. I am at work typing this on my blackberry. See you sometime this week.
it is funny how a $120 seems like a lot but then you think about what you spend hanging out on a weekend with friends and it goes so easily.
but $120 down a slot machine or blackjack table would make me a lil upset too
I personally don't gamble at least not at casino's. I've lost a total of $75 over 6 years in Atlantic City. I refuse to give them my money n personally I rather not go to the casino's. Iono.
*Shakes head, looking disapointed and walks off*...then turns around and says.....GURL
I must agree with you on this one. Corey is ALWAYS rather negative. He often times fail to see it and claims that its just him being a realist. Just today, while doing him a favor, I wanted to stop and get scratch offs. He automatically went into "COREY MODE", and talked down about buying them and that no one ever wins on those things, etc. But, as I explained to him, I always generally win. BUT NOT THIS TIME, i'm convinced that his negativity caused you all not to win!!~~ KAY KAY
Thirsty said it all...lawd sometimes you just go for the fun of a day trip. Laugh at the food and no drinks but look at the other side.. you got out of town for a little while and you know u was not about to clean nothing on saturday. How much did Parker loose again? See you should have went with an amount in mind that you would play and then win or loose you would not have set yourself up. I love me some Corey though...i am laughing at this blog..love ya Ferias. Kenji keep buying them scratch offs...
Ya'll lost $400??? I lost a hell of a lot more than that this year, especially while in Puerto Rico.
But I can agree with what someone said about going just to enjoy the day. I've taken my friends with me and they hated it, but they went because I asked them to. And in turn, they've taken me to the mall which they know I hate, but I went because they asked me to.
So the experience was more about hanging with friends than just going to lose money.
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