Snow day! Finally, I had a full three day weekend to catch up on my work. It felt like the world was getting away from.
I started reading E. Lynn Harris’s newest book, Basketball Jones. Read it with me and my book club… check out www.brothaswellread.com and get ready for a great discussion.
Has anyone heard the Adele CD? It’s not that great. I am a little disappointed, actually. While Chasing Pavements is a great single, the rest of the CD leaves a lot to be desired
Recession means that I also need to recede, especially with new familial demands on my finances. I am DVR’d Oprah today. Hopefully I can gain some new tips on saving. I have already eliminated several of my favorite splurges (Starbucks, Whole Foods, Atlanta Cupcake Factory)… Well, I am in the process of eliminating.
I hate my iphone 3g. It constantly drops calls and freezes.
My grandmother’s cancer is as bad as I feared but I have faith that this will pass (the cancer, not my grandmother). She’s unbelievably strong and I believe in God’s grace. What is meant to be will be. The cancer will never be cured, but it can give us a little vacation with radiation. Again, I have faith.
I made lasagna on Sunday. Last week Thirsty took me to the DeKalb Farmer’s Market and now I am in absolute love.
For Valentine’s Day, I bought Parker the first season of Queer as Folk. We are enjoying each episode.
I'm praying for your grandmother. I'm sure everything will work out.
Basketball Jones was a great read and though it was a little short, I enjoyed every word.
i had an insane day living though this snow. im not used to it. i almost died
I will keep you and your grandmother in my prayers. My grandmother was my best friend and I know how you are feeling right now. I
I am awaiting the arrival of Basketball Jones now. I'm Soooooooo excited.
I did get that Adele CD and I feel very much like you. The other songs are basically album fillers.
I am over this snow already. Nice to look at but I hated drivin in it!
Got you and the family in prayer...God is able, man!
Being from NY, I'm used to being clobbered by feet of snow. However, it was cool to see folks acting like the world was ending. I truly hope your grandmother's condition improves. Be blessed.
Prayers for your grandmother.
Kendall, you should come to the book club meeting!
Noble, I am glad you did not die in the snow.
Mellow, I know right...
Antonym, it seems like all of the albums coming out are driven by one to two hot songs...
Los, and everyone, thanks so much for the prayers. I know that it changes everything.
Dusty, I miss you!
I echoe everyone's prayers for your grandmother.
I love the Adele CD. You've got to give it a few more listens.
"Melt My Heart To Stone" and "Tired" are real standout tracks for me.
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